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Electronics & Automobiles

With the growth of electronic items in Automobile industry, there comes the requirement of safe delivery of the product to the end customer in a safe and sound condition. Flexible industry is on hike these days, which not only provide solutions but also know how to keep pace with the changing trend.

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What We offer

1. Puncture Resistant & Seal Intact Pouch.
2. Size, Color & Design Availability.
3. Customized Printing
4. Any laminate Structure with PET, LDPE, BOPP, CPP, Nylon, Foil, Metallized PET etc.
4. Any Pouch Format including Center Seal Pouch, Stand up Pouch, Side Gusset Pouch, Three Side Seal pouch etc.

  • Experience: 34 Years
  • Phone: +91 9174438045
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Mobile +91 9827038045


1. Spare Parts Pouches
2. Mobile Accessories Packaging
3. Packaging Grease
4. Mobil Oil Packaging

Contact Me

    Contact Info:-

    Phone : (1)-1234-4444 Email : [email protected]